Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Plans

Many of you have been wondering what I will be doing for Thanksgiving so I decided to blog my plans. The ILC will be providing a big Thanksgiving lunch for us but we are are on our own for dinner. My small group has decided that we are all going to make different dishes and have Thanksgiving dinner together. We are going to eat, play games, and watch Christmas movies. We are so excited. I love my small group!

I know I have not explained much about small groups, so please allow me to briefly explain. When you arrive at the ILC they place you in a small group of about 8 to twelve people that are going to the same region as you. Everyday we meet from 8-9am and spend time in the word and prayer. We also have house church together from 9-12 on Sundays. On Sundays we each take turns leading house church so we are prepared to lead others in God's word when we get on the field.

I have grown so close to my small group! We have become like family. We have an older couple and an older single lady named Mrs. Patty. They are our adopted grandparents here. They love on us and take care of us. They are so amazing and a have so much wisdom. We also have two younger couples and the rest of us are all single journey girls.

Right now our group is learning the Storying method. One of us will lead each day by telling the group a bible story and the rest of us go around and repeat the story. This is how we will teach them in the jungle. We will teach them bible stories and show pictures or possibly act out the story, then allow someone to repeat what was said or just parts they remember. Then we will allow time for questions about the story.

Just a quick side note; the day after Thanksgiving we will be taking a trip to DC to learn more about our culture. You are allowed to group up with anyone in your region. My partners Lori, Misty and I are going to tour together. We have been given instructions to look for different stores and eat at restaurants that represent our culture. We are also encouraged to find a native, learn more about the culture through them and possibly witness to them. Please be praying for us, that God will open our eyes and prepare the hearts of those He wants us to share with. I will be blogging afterwards and letting you know how it went. Thanks again. I love you guys!